Sabado, Oktubre 22, 2016

Human Philosophy Questions

1.)  Is Philosophy “under a cloud” also for you?Why?
For me,Philosophy was “under a cloud” of doubt and uncertainty, because some people still denied its existence while others affirmed it. This is one of the science which prove and disproved again and again from time to time that makes it “under the cloud” of doubt and uncertainty.Any study that has a scope for proving and disproving is really interesting.Philosophy should be felt and it cannot be accepted as it is.       

   2.) Why is “seeing” a “personal act”?
For me,seeing is a personal act because how you “see” things reflect yourself. People have different views of the truth when they observe the same thing because every individual thinks in their own unique perspective. I believe that a person's perspective can be affected due to personal experiences,beliefs, or cultural viewpoints.

  3.)  Do you agree with the statement that philosophy raises the quality of man’s life?

Yes, I strongly agree with the statement that philosophy raises the quality of man’s life. Without a personal philosophy to live by,we’ll be lost and we don’t have a direction in our life. When we have a personal philosophy, it mirrors every part of our life, it tells about our being and becoming. By having these guiding principles, we make choices that validate our philosophy, that in turn influences how we feel about ourselves, and validates our lives and what we have done with them. Philosophy let us find a purpose of our existence.Philosophy helps us to free and expand our minds. Through it, we will be living based on our personal values and preferences; and, we will find that there is more to existence than doing of mundane tasks. We will find that we can do something to make a difference, and we are born for a reason and these philosophies made our purpose clearer. But there is more than what meets the eyes. We still have many things to unravel and that makes the world and life an unending mystery.

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